Shaanil Senarath-Dassanayake

MinterEllisonRuddWatts, New Zealand

Shaanil is a solicitor in the financial services team at MinterEllisonRuddWatts with experience and interest in financial services law and climate-related financial disclosures. Her primary clients are financial service providers including fintechs, startups, platforms engaged with digital assets and blockchain applications, fund managers, and banks. One of her strong interests is the implications of climate change on financial institutions and New Zealand’s climate-related disclosure (CRD) regime. She is a member of Lawyers for Climate Action New Zealand Inc. (LCANZI) and has contributed to LCANZI’s submissions on the XRB’s consultation of the climate standards. Shaanil has presented at numerous events on CRD and related issues like greenwashing for senior staff for INFINZ, BFSLA, Risk NZ and other industry events. She has also co-presented on, and delivered, training to banks and fund managers on this regime as well as the topic of climate change litigation to bring attention to the potential consequences of defective disclosure. With Lloyd Kavanagh, Shaanil has also advised various clients on the application of the CRD regime, prepared obligations sets, and conducted red flags reviews of a client’s TCFD style reporting.