
Tax Blacklists and Propaganda: Defeating the Discrimination and Pro-poverty Agenda

Time and Location

February 28, 2023, 10-10:45am EST/ 11-11:45am AST; Online Summit

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Join Marla Dukharan, Alex Cobham and Prof Steven Dean for a FREE online Summit "Tax Blacklists and Propaganda: Defeating the Discrimination and Pro-poverty Agenda." Find out the truth about the world’s biggest financial secrecy jurisdictions, the racial bias behind the tax blacklisting of former European colonies and developing states, and the history behind the discrimination in a global tax system designed to favor wealthy states.

This FREE online Summit will be held Tuesday February 28, 2023 from 10-10:45am EST/ 11-11:45am AST.

Register at: bit.ly/taxblacklist

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