
Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery

Time and Location

October 26-27, 2023 | Radisson BLU Hotel, Boulogne

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Hosted by C5 Group, the inaugural Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery – Paris event will launch in Europe this fall and will feature networking formats and practitioners from across the EU and key offshore jurisdictions.

This year’s top sessions include:

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): Overcoming the Challenges to Managing Clients and Preventing Fraud in a Purely Decentralized “Entity”
  • Fraud and Corruption in Sport: A Behind the Scenes Look at Some of the Biggest, Most Recent Scandals-and Their Surprising, Hidden Lessons
  • The Lesser-Known Overlap of Fraud and ESG: How Fraud and Asset Recovery Practitioners Are Navigating the Newest Risks Associated with Planning, Reporting and Regulatory Gaps
  • Crypto Fraud as an Existential Threat in in the Fraud and Asset Recovery Space: Is More Regulation and Enforcement the Answer to Curbing Rampant Fraud and Market Volatility?
  • The Newest Tech Hurdles Confronting Fraud Victims and Their Legal Counsel: Re-Assessing the Limits of AI, ML and More Emerging Technologies

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with the “who’s who” of the community at this truly unique, interactive program! Network and engage with Solicitors and barristers specializing in fraud, insolvency, asset tracing and recovery, and dispute resolution.

The inaugural Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery – Paris event takes place on October 26-27, 2023, at the Radisson BLU Hotel in Boulogne, Paris. Visit c5-online.com/fraud-paris to view this year’s agenda and learn more.


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Online: https://bit.ly/3r42SSw

Email: enquiries@c5-online.com

Phone: +44 (0) 20 4532 2313

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