
IMpower Incorporating FundForum

Time and Location

June 24 - 26, 2024 | The Grimaldi Forum, Monaco

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June 24 - 26, 2024 | The Grimaldi Forum | Monaco

Save 10% with code FKN3276IFC

The #1 networking event for global asset & wealth managers.

IMpower incorporating FundForum is the global networking hub for the world’s leading asset & wealth management firms. The best opportunity in the year to engage with the largest and most senior assembly of industry experts, ensuring meaningful conversations and impactful collaborations.

Your one-stop-shop to join 1,400+ senior leaders including 500+ asset managers and 400+ fund selectors and asset owners, gathering for two bustling days (and three unmissable nights!) of networking experiences tailored to help you maximise your time.

Explore innovative growth strategies for your business, delve into the future of asset and wealth management, align with customer needs through digital transformation, and navigate the evolving landscape of ETFs, illiquid investment solutions, asset allocation, tokenization, technology and more. See the latest agenda here.

Position yourself at the forefront of the global asset and wealth management community and discover the unparalleled networking experience at IMpower – the epitome of excellence in investment management events.

Fund selectors attend free | Asset & wealth managers pay less.

For more information and to register online simply click here.

You can also register by emailing gf-registrations@informa.com or calling +44 (0) 20 8052 2013.

Register and save 10% with code: FKN3276IFC

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